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Nordic Creation Research Conference 2024: "A creationist perspective on the origin of diversity in biological life"

Eventet börjar: 17 Oct 2024, 12:00
Eventet slutar: 18 Oct 2024, 17:00
Plats: Immanuelskyrkan, Malmö
Karta: Visa karta (Google Maps - öppnas i nytt fönster)

The First Nordic Creation Research Conference is a collaboration between the Genesis Society and Scandinavian School of Theology in Uppsala. We are planning this conference as the first of its kind, where creation organizations from different Nordic countries will take turns hosting. This year's conference will primarily focus on the advancements in modern genetics regarding species boundaries and mechanisms of speciation.

Pre-registration is required:
Payment of the conference fee is necessary.
Conference fee:

  • By 30/6 SEK 450
  • From 1/7 SEK 500
  • From 1/8 SEK 550
  • From 1/9 SEK 600

More information will be continuously updated on this page.
All presentations will be in English.

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